Heart Gift Presents:
Second Chance
An exhibition of photography by Fulton Davenport
SAVE THE DATE – May 8, 2014
HeartGift Houston is proud to present an exhibition of exceptional photographs by the well known Houston photographer Fulton Davenport
The exhibition features a series of beautiful images documenting the lives of some of the amazing recipients of treatment thanks to HeartGift Houston, an organization whose mission is is to provide lifesaving surgery to disadvantaged children from developing countries where specialized treatment is either scarce or nonexistent.
“This new body of work for HeartGift is about looking into that inner beauty of the child. It is about knowing what they have experienced and how they were given a second chance at life. I am honored to be part of such a wonderful project.
Please take time to come and view these special images.” – Fulton Davenport
Images will be available for sale. All proceeds go to support the work of HeartGift Houston.
Mixed Emotions Fine Art & Frame
95 Tuam
Houston TX, 77006
Thursday May 8, 2014
6:00PM – 9:00PM